Welcome To Our Website

Hi! I am Pawan Sachdev Financial intermediary guiding investor since 1997. During my journey I have witnessed all the ups and down of the financial markets.

From FD’s, plantation companies tech boom to real-estate and finally stock market booms and dooms. Back in 1998-99 when I started my career I was very ambitious to reach or become crore-pati like everybody else but over a period of time it is only time that made me so.

My company, I had one and only vision – To help people live the life of their dreams. With Tajurba of so many years we have developed the Focused and Professional approach to build strong systems and processes to achieve the investor milestone. My knowledge can save your time, money and create the value you're looking for. I've spent 20 years in the Mutual Fund, health & life insurance. We are constantly evolved as per the client’s changing requirement and needs. We feel proud that many of our relationships are running into the third generation.

Our Services


It is the process of meeting your financial goals through the proper management of your finances. Financial goals can include buying a home

Tax Planning

Insurance is an important risk management tool that can protect you and your family from financial hardship caused by unfortunate events

Retirement Planning

Retirement is one of the most important life events that many of us will ever experience. This is that stage in which we only have cash outflows.

Mutual Funds

Mutual fund is essentially is a Trust. Mutual Fund is a link between the capital market and the Investors.

Life Insurance

Life Insurance planning is a critical component of a financial plan that includes evaluating risks.

Health Insurance

It covers expense of hospitalization due to illness or accident. that can protect your family from financial hardship.

You are Physicaly fit today

But Will you remain fit if you don't

Workout Regularly ?
